Our goal: To engineer a groundbreaking online quote policy calculator that defines our new product and reshapes the customer experience. During this workshop, we collaboratively defined the core features of our Cyber Security Insurance, that seamlessly aligned with the evolving needs of our clientele. Our focus was on designing an intuitive and user-friendly interface, elevating the insurance quotation process to new and existing customers. 
The result: Our new and existing customers were provided with a high level of convenience and transparency, setting a new standard in the industry. During this workshop, we collaboratively defined the core features of our Cyber Security Insurance, ensuring they seamlessly aligned with the evolving needs of our clientele. Our focus, was on designing an intuitive and user-friendly interface, elevating the insurance quotation process to new heights. The result? Our existing customers were provided with a high level of convenience and transparency, setting a new standard in the industry.
My Role
As the lead UX designer, I was pivotal in orchestrating a comprehensive two-day Design Sprint workshop to delineate the multifaceted requirements, roadmap, and user journey, and establish a preliminary design direction and approach. Throughout this process, my responsibilities included facilitating the initial two days of the Design Sprint facilitator, wherein I provided guidance and conducted interviews with multiple stakeholders.
Additionally, I spearheaded the development of personas, meticulously crafted journey maps, and swiftly generated preliminary design sketches to conceptualize a novel product offering – Cyber Security Insurance online quotation and product options. My contributions enriched the ideation phase and laid a solid foundation for subsequent design iterations and implementation strategies.
Process - Design Sprint
Journey Map, User Story, and Quick Sketching
User-Flow Diagram
Cyber Security Basic Insurance calculator and additional Cyber Policies pages

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